Residential Lending Update

In the April 2015 iteration of the Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (SLOOS), the Federal Reserve Board included a special question on residential real estate lending. That special question asked banks about how they had responded to new guidelines issued by the GSEs on November 20, 2014, on the definition of life-of-loan representation and warranty [...]

By |2020-04-09T12:39:37-04:00May 27th, 2015|Market Conditions|Comments Off on Residential Lending Update

New Home Construction Explodes in 2015

After a harsh winter in most of the country, housing starts jumped 20% nationally in April. The 20% hop itself was the biggest jump since February of 1991. A recent Commerce Department Report shows housing starts landed at 1.14 million annualized rates, up from a 944,000 pace in March, the highest it been in [...]

By |2020-04-09T16:32:08-04:00May 21st, 2015|Market Conditions|Comments Off on New Home Construction Explodes in 2015

5 Signs That it is Time to Sell Your Home

Thoughts of putting your home on the market and moving up, down, or out of dodge all together have probably crossed your mind over the years. Choosing to sell is a big decision, a decision that requires careful consideration to a variety of factors, both lifestyle and financial. To help you think through your [...]

By |2020-04-09T14:24:49-04:00May 19th, 2015|House Tips for Buyers & Sellers, Real Estate Broker Information|Comments Off on 5 Signs That it is Time to Sell Your Home

Major Factors That Have Home Prices On The Rise

With housing on a steady path to recovery, home prices have risen approximately 20 percent in the last three years according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) and Standards & Poor’s (S&P) Case-Shiller house price indices. Both consumers and industry professional expect that upward trajectory to continue this year. The anticipated increase is [...]

By |2020-04-09T15:50:09-04:00May 15th, 2015|Market Conditions|Comments Off on Major Factors That Have Home Prices On The Rise

Questions Buyers Should Ask Before Hiring a Broker

What should buyers search for in a real estate professional to ensure success? Buyers benefit from specific real estate information, tailored processes, and customized service delivery related to their individual needs and goals, strengths and weaknesses. Generalizations can be misleading since each real estate property, each buyer, and the resulting transaction are unique, and, [...]

By |2020-04-09T11:49:07-04:00May 14th, 2015|House Tips for Buyers & Sellers, Real Estate Broker Information|Comments Off on Questions Buyers Should Ask Before Hiring a Broker

Millennials Impact the Real Estate Market in a Big Way

Opinions on where real estate prices are headed from here might be mixed, but one thing is becoming increasing clear: Millennials will be a big part of it. According to a recent survey from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the so-called millennial generation comprised the biggest segment of home buyers last year. The [...]

By |2020-04-09T14:53:50-04:00May 12th, 2015|Market Conditions|Comments Off on Millennials Impact the Real Estate Market in a Big Way

8 Misconceptions of Home Buyers and Sellers

Most home buyers and sellers start the process filled with questions. Though it may seem like a tall task, educate yourselves about the ins and outs of the process and find the right agent to assist you with your goals. Below your will learn about some of the common misconceptions about buying and selling [...]

By |2020-04-09T14:40:23-04:00May 8th, 2015|House Tips for Buyers & Sellers, Real Estate Broker Information|Comments Off on 8 Misconceptions of Home Buyers and Sellers

The Empty Nest is Reality for Millions of Baby Boomers Every Year

The Empty nest, that tranquil, far-off place harried parents dream about. An idyllic state where the kids are grown and on their own, couples reacquaint and long-deferred leisure fills hours once claimed by domestic obligation. Whether reality fulfills those dreamy expectations, the empty nest is a new reality for millions of Baby Boomers every [...]

By |2020-04-09T16:09:53-04:00May 7th, 2015|House Tips for Buyers & Sellers|Comments Off on The Empty Nest is Reality for Millions of Baby Boomers Every Year

April Showers Bring May Flowers

The saying is true, at least here in the south. April showers do bring May flowers and the best month for planting. If you are thinking about adding some new plants to your landscape, here are a few important tips from Dan Nortman of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Horticulture Agent in Yorktown, PA. A [...]

By |2020-04-09T13:44:24-04:00May 5th, 2015|House Tips for Buyers & Sellers|Comments Off on April Showers Bring May Flowers

Carolinas Connect Realty Grand Opening Event

The Carolinas Connect Realty team welcomed local businesses, chamber members, friends, family and clients on Thursday April 30th for a celebration at our new office at 1427 N. Howe Street in Southport, NC. Strong community support brought close to a hundred people through the doors to meet the team and strategize for the upswing in the [...]

By |2017-11-29T16:55:54-04:00May 1st, 2015|Real Estate Broker Information, Southport NC|Comments Off on Carolinas Connect Realty Grand Opening Event
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