Over the past 10 years, communication has changed drastically. With advances in technology and the popularity of social media communication is instantaneous. Knowing how and when to contact potential clients is essential to being successful. This is especially true in real estate. More and more people are becoming “tech savvy” and with this knowledge comes new expectations. So how can you use all these new communication tools to benefit you and your clients?
First, communicate in a way that allows people to like and trust you. This is true for all forms of contact. Statistics given during a recent XPLODE Conference show that consistent communication will double and triple sales. If it takes on average 7 contacts to convert a potential client to a client, you want to make the most out of each and every conversation and message. Use the correct frequency and tone across a variety of channels to start building a relationship.
Build a website that is user friendly and use this as the centerpiece of your communication. This is where your branding begins. Include links in personal emails which point back to information on your website. Make sure the information you provide is correct and complete. Also, test your links to make sure they work before asking someone to use them. Regardless of the manner of contact, use your website to drive your business.
You can utilize automated “drip campaigns” to stay in touch but you will get your best results from more personalized emails. Continue your branding in emails by maintaining a consistent high quality appearance and pertinent content. Have a purpose for each email and always ask a question which will prompt people to respond and start a dialogue. Remember that not everyone thinks the same way so the tone and manner of acceptable communication will be different for each client. Getting to know the individual beliefs and personality traits of new clients will allow you to appropriately manage your budding relationship and communicate appropriately.
Social media has become an incredibly important communication tool. Comment on client’s status updates often and when you see a “milestone” like a birthday, or child’s graduation, pick up the phone and congratulate them. Small gestures like this help people think of you as a friend and further solidify your relationship. You can also set up notifications to alert you when clients change or update their status so you can respond or act quickly. Your goal for social media is relationship building and driving conversation.
Another form of communication that has become widely accepted is video. The next best thing to “in person” conversations, video chats put a face with a name. This is a great tool to use when qualifying a first appointment or discussing property criteria for a new buyer. When working with out of town clients, video can help you build your relationship prior to their first visit.
As always, face to face contacts convert more leads than any other form of communication. Stay in front of your top 25 clients. Invite them for coffee or get together at least once a month. To be effective, communicate consistently and in a form that is comfortable to each of your clients. You can read more about XPLODE and upcoming conference locations and dates on their website https://xplodethis.com/