St. James Exposed – Episode 82
WATCH as North Carolina real estate expert, Jack Hamilton of Hamilton Realty Group, discusses the LATEST real estate housing market numbers in St. James Plantation, NC -- St. James Exposed -- EPISODE 82.
WATCH as North Carolina real estate expert, Jack Hamilton of Hamilton Realty Group, discusses the LATEST real estate housing market numbers in St. James Plantation, NC -- St. James Exposed -- EPISODE 82.
WATCH as North Carolina real estate expert, Jack Hamilton of Hamilton Realty Group, discusses the LATEST real estate housing market numbers in St. James Plantation, NC -- St. James Exposed -- EPISODE 57. Hamilton Realty Group Southport NC Office 1427 N. Howe Street • (910) 601-2344
WATCH as North Carolina real estate expert, Jack Hamilton of Hamilton Realty Group, discusses the LATEST real estate housing market numbers in St. James Plantation, NC -- St. James Exposed -- EPISODE 52. Hamilton Realty Group Southport NC Office 1427 N. Howe Street (910) 601-2344
WATCH as North Carolina real estate expert, Jack Hamilton of Hamilton Realty Group, discusses the MID-YEAR real estate market numbers in St. James Plantation, NC. TRANSCRIBED VIDEO: Hi, Jack Hamilton with Realty Group, and today I'm coming to you live with a special edition of St. James Exposed. What I'm going [...]
WATCH as North Carolina real estate expert, Jack Hamilton of Hamilton Realty Group, discusses MARCH 2019’s real estate market numbers in St. James Plantation, NC.
WATCH North Carolina real estate expert, @Jack Hamilton of Hamilton Realty Group, discuss SEPTEMBER 2018’s real estate market numbers in St. James Plantation, NC. #StJamesExposed #FromtheTriadtotheCoast #WhoYouHireMatters
In the second episode of St. James Exposed! The Real Story on Real Estate, Jack shares a story about a couple who lives in St. James (located in Southport, NC) that needed to sell their home and move into assisted living for health reasons. This story, like many others that Jack and Dana hear [...]
Welcome to our "St. James Exposed! The Real Story on Real Estate" video series. This is the first episode where Jack Hamilton will discuss what is happening with the resale market in St. James Plantation in Southport, North Carolina. Jack shares that for April 2016, there were 165 listings for sale with a total [...]